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Os campos naturais do Bioma Pampa têm uma centenária utilização pecuária apresentando um impacto menor que nos outros Biomas, pois a pastagem do gado é feita nos campos, sem a necessidade de destruição de florestas. Contudo, para que a pecuária mantenha a qualidade ambiental, necessita-se também de boas práticas de produção, porque técnicas não sustentáveis podem exaurí-los. Já o Vale do Taquari, pertencente ao Bioma Mata Atlântica, a atividade pecuária se desenvolveu com a chegada dos imigrantes europeus, através do estabelecimento de pequenas propriedades rurais de produtos agrícolas como fumo, cana de açúcar, feijão, milho, erva-mate, mandioca e outros, que, contudo, foi evoluindo para a pecuária de produção de leite e queijo, como forma de complementar a renda dos Produtores. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a sustentabilidade ambiental de propriedades com produção leiteira do Bioma Pampa no Município de Rio Grande e compará-la com os dados existentes sobre a região do Vale do Taquari. Para alcançar este objetivo, a sustentabilidade ambiental foi medida pelo índice desenvolvido pela equipe da UNIVATES, composto por nove parâmetros associados a treze subparâmetros, compondo uma pontuação individual por propriedade, calculando o índice através da média aritmética da soma de todas as unidades entrevistadas. Na região de Rio Grande, foram realizadas entrevistas para a aplicação de um questionário sobre as práticas e manejos adotados e também foi feita a análise das condições no local das propriedades. Para o Vale do Taquari, foram utilizados dados provenientes de um trabalho já publicado que é representativo da Sustentabilidade Ambiental da região, escolhido através de busca na base bibliográfica disponível. O Índice de Sustentabilidade Ambiental dos produtores da região dos Campos do Bioma Pampa foi considerado regular, mas muito próximo do bom, demonstrando também um melhor desempenho que os produtores da região de Mata Atlântica.
The natural grasslands of the Pampa Biome have a centennial livestock use presenting a lower impact than in other Biomes, because cattle grazing is done in the fields, without the need for forest destruction. However, for cattle raising to maintain environmental quality, good production practices are also needed, because unsustainable techniques can exhaust them. In the Taquari Valley, which belongs to the Atlantic Forest Biome, the cattle raising activity was developed with the arrival of European immigrants, through the establishment of small farms of agricultural products such as tobacco, sugar cane, beans, corn, yerba mate, cassava and others, which, however, evolved to cattle raising for milk and cheese production as a way to supplement the income of producers. In this sense, the objective of this work was to study the environmental sustainability of properties with dairy production in the Pampa Biome in the Municipality of Rio Grande and compare it with existing data on the Taquari Valley region. To achieve this goal, environmental sustainability was measured by the index developed by the Univates team, composed of nine parameters associated with thirteen subparameters, composing an individual score per property, calculating the index through the arithmetic average of the sum of all interviewed units. In the Rio Grande region, interviews were carried out to apply a questionnaire about the practices and management adopted, and the on-site conditions of the properties were also analyzed. For the Taquari Valley, we used data from an already published work that is representative of the Environmental Sustainability of the region, chosen through a search in the available bibliographic base. The Environmental Sustainability Index of the producers in the Campos do Pampa Biome region was considered regular, but very close to good, also showing a better performance than the producers in the Atlantic Forest region.
The natural grasslands of the Pampa Biome have a centennial livestock use presenting a lower impact than in other Biomes, because cattle grazing is done in the fields, without the need for forest destruction. However, for cattle raising to maintain environmental quality, good production practices are also needed, because unsustainable techniques can exhaust them. In the Taquari Valley, which belongs to the Atlantic Forest Biome, the cattle raising activity was developed with the arrival of European immigrants, through the establishment of small farms of agricultural products such as tobacco, sugar cane, beans, corn, yerba mate, cassava and others, which, however, evolved to cattle raising for milk and cheese production as a way to supplement the income of producers. In this sense, the objective of this work was to study the environmental sustainability of properties with dairy production in the Pampa Biome in the Municipality of Rio Grande and compare it with existing data on the Taquari Valley region. To achieve this goal, environmental sustainability was measured by the index developed by the Univates team, composed of nine parameters associated with thirteen subparameters, composing an individual score per property, calculating the index through the arithmetic average of the sum of all interviewed units. In the Rio Grande region, interviews were carried out to apply a questionnaire about the practices and management adopted, and the on-site conditions of the properties were also analyzed. For the Taquari Valley, we used data from an already published work that is representative of the Environmental Sustainability of the region, chosen through a search in the available bibliographic base. The Environmental Sustainability Index of the producers in the Campos do Pampa Biome region was considered regular, but very close to good, also showing a better performance than the producers in the Atlantic Forest region.
Agropecuária Sustentável, Indicadores de Sustentabilidade, Campos, Mata Atlântica, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock, Sustainability Indicators, Fields, Atlantic Forest, Sustainable Development
SANTO, Renato Mendes Espírito. SUSTENTABILIDADE AMBIENTAL COMPARATIVA DE PROPRIEDADES RURAIS PRODUTORAS DE LEITE DOS BIOMAS PAMPA E MATA ATLÂNTICA. 2022. Tese (Doutorado) – Curso de Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 20 dez. 2022. Disponível em: