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17 Abril de 2015

Exchange programme at UNIVATES hits a record in 2014

In 2014, 87 outgoing students from UNIVATES and 47 incoming students from six Latin American countries and European countries took the one-semester academic exchange programme offered by the university. 

According to the Department of International Relations, this has been a record since the programme started. Manager of the Department of International Relations Viviane Bischoff says: “This shows the importance of the university’s progress towards internationalisation.”.

In the first half of 2014, among the 48 outgoing students who studied abroad, 27 went to the universities with which UNIVATES has International Exchange Agreements across the world, in Canada, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Chile and England. Five students were awarded Santander scholarships to Mexico and Spain. Science without Borders provided funding for 14 students to spend one semester studying in Canada, the USA, China, Ireland, Australia, Germany, South Korea and in the UK, and also Escuela Pedagogica Experimental provided two students with funding to go to Colombia. 

In the second half of 2014, among the 39 outgoing students who studied abroad, 23 went to the universities with which UNIVATES has International Exchange Agreements, in Portugal, Canada, Colombia and Argentina. Science without Borders provided funding for 16 students to study in Canada, the USA, China, Ireland, Australia, Germany, South Korea and in the UK.

In the first half of 2014, UNIVATES received 29 exchange students coming from Spain, Colombia, Sweden, Argentina, Portugal and Germany, who elected to come to UNIVATES as a part of their undergraduate degree programme. Besides acquiring scientific knowledge, they had the opportunity to be in touch with a new culture.

"Taking the exchange programme has made me grow.”

Going back to Europe on the 18th of December, Marketing exchange student Cátia Pereira Neves is leaving UNIVATES for Leiria, her hometown in Portugal. “I had heard good things about UNIVATES, but I did not expect it to be so good.” – she says. “The laboratories are great, the professors are qualified and they stimulate students to fulfil their potential.” – she adds.

Among the things Cátia learnt from the other exchange students – Colombians and Argentines – the most relevant was having learnt Spanish. Besides, she emphasises the importance of cultural exchange among people of different nationalities. “This experience made me grow as a person, and I will take a bit of each culture. 

Laguinho da Univates has become Catia’s favourite point as it’s a good place to relax, chat and be in touch with nature.

Over the semester, she had the opportunity to work at the Department of Marketing and Communications. She also joined the staff of the Department of Relations and overcame her public speaking anxiety. “I had public speaking anxiety, but I delivered a lecture for over one hundred students. This improved my communication.” – she said.


Written by Nathália Braga

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