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11 Novembro de 2016

Students travel to China for international experience

Twenty-nine students of discipline International Experience from the courses Foreign Trade and International Relations are bound for China on the 29th. Professors Marlon Dalmoro and Mateus Dalmáz are going together with the students. The purpose of the trip is to provide students with the opportunity to be in contact with companies and entities that conduct activities in international relations and experience multicultural situations. 

Before landing in China, students will spend some time in South Africa and visit Johannesburg and Pretoria, on the 30th. During the nine days they will stay in China, they will visit Hong Kong and Macao. In Hong Kong, the will visit the Brazilian Consulate, entities that promote foreign trade and they will have the opportunity to attend the 21st Hong Kong Business Summit, an event organised by Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce. 

The group will then go to Macao, where they will stay for three days. “In Macao, we will attend lectures and workshops on Foreign Trade and on International Relations at the Macao Polytechnic Institute, an institution with which Univates has a partnership.” – says Professor Marlon Dalmoro.


A few days before departure day, Renata Mallman (Foreign Trade student) holds great expectations. “Although we will stay for just a few days, we will have the opportunity to visit South Africa, Hong Kong and Macao. Who wouldn’t be excited? I am counting down the days and I ‘ve got to make sure I will not forget anything important.” – humorously she says.  

She believes that, to acquire a good qualification, it is extremely important to be acquainted with the peculiarities of each culture and the way local people interact with one another. “This trip will put us in contact with what we expect to find in our professional experiences.”, says Renata, as she refers to the contact they will have with entities like the Brazilian Consulate in Hong Kong and the International relations Office in China.

 International Relations student, Tamara Sopelsa values the opportunity of knowing a continent that is unknown for those who live in Western countries. We see the Far East under a Western perspective because most of the information we get is provided by people who live on the same side as we do.” – says she.

 “To either demystify or confirm what we know, we must be ready to meet the unknown”, says Tamara, who is looking forward to having a close look on how negotiations are conducted in the Chinese Market, the role of the Brazilian Market in that region and the demands (commercial and services) in the world’s most populated country. “I’ve got to take every opportunity I have in China to enrich my cultural background.” – she says.

Find out more.

This is the third year discipline International Experience provides students with the chance to know other countries. In the first year, in 2014, a group of students went to Belgium. Last year, students went to Belgium, Germany and Portugal.

This discipline has 120 hours, which means twice as many hours as other disciplines with four credits, so Univates refunds the same amount of money paid for this discipline to cover the cost of tickets, accommodation and transfers. Students should only pay for personal expenses, such as food and transport, like the tube, for example.

Vestibular (Entrance Exam)

If you are willing to get a degree in Foreign Trade and International Relations, then you should apply for Univates Vestibular (Entrance Exam) until November 23rd, on www.univates.br/vestibular or at the Student Service. The exam will take place on November 27th, Sunday, from 1:30pm to 6:30 pm. 45 undergraduate and technologist courses are currently available at Univates.

Author: Tiago Silva


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