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15 Dezembro de 2015

Univates receives journalism award

TV Univates Environmental journalism has received José Lutzenberger Journalism Award. Univates journalist Marcos Ruschel and cameraman Luiz Augusto Darde, who reported how farmers apply swine residue as nutrient source of crops, won the third place in Broadcast Journalism. The news feature had the videography support from publicist Fernando Schmitz and was broadcast on TV Univates and on the other channels that are part of Rede Prosa. 

Ruschel says the award means recognition, besides making him very happy. “It is extremely important to take our work to all Rio Grande do Sul, trying to keep up the quality of what we do with the biggest TV channels in the State.”, says he. Darde adds: It may look simple and easy when we see a news feature on the telly, but there is a lot going on “behind the cameras”. Difficulties, production, text, editing, all of this together.”, says he as he thanks TV Univates for the support. It takes days of work for a few-minute news feature, and this award makes me really happy and gives me the confidence and strength to carry on as a cameraman at TV Univates.”, says he.

The award ceremony was hosted on the 27th of October at Centro Histórico Cultural Santa Casa em Porto Alegre. José Lutzenberger Journalism Award is a partnership between the Brazilian Association of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering (Abes/RS), Press Association of Rio Grande do Sul (ARI) and Braskem. 

Author: Ana Amélia Ritt

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