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30 Dezembro de 2015

Univates becomes a world reference in the study of mites

The team at the Univates Laboratory of Acarology, coordinated by Professor Noeli Juarez Ferla, PhD, is gradually becoming a world reference in the study of mites. A researcher from Ordu University, in Turkey, has recently sent some species of mites to be analysed at Univates, more precisely, by researcher Matheus dos Santos Rocha.

He says researcher Rana Akyzai carries out studies on biological control and taxonomy (the study of morphological characteristics of animals) at the School of Agriculture, for the Department of Plant Protection. Because she studies plant mites, particularly Cunaxidae, she contacted professor Ferla for the identification of some species.  

Researcher Matheus Rocha is also in charge of updating the information on this family of mites in the Brazilian Fauna Catalogue and he has recently written about three new species of mites as a part of his dissertation. Among them is a type that had not yet been found in Brazil, considered the first in the whole America.

According to professor Ferla, Matheus Rocha is a reference for the Turkish researchers; this is why they sent the material to Univates. “We are glad to know that our job is recognised by the quality of our researches, and this doesn’t come overnight. It is a long and careful team work” – says the researcher.

Researchers are world reference in the study of three groups of mites

Rocha began researching in 2012 and has already been sent materials not only from Turkey, but also from Bahia, São Paulo and, most recently from Ecuador. He will study the vegetation from Amazônia in the near future. Other researchers from Univates Laboratory of Acarology are also reference in their areas, such as Professor Liana Johann, PhD, from the Biological Sciences Department, who is currently writing an article in collaboration with a group of Japanese teachers on Stigmaeidae mites. They sent her some species to be analysed.

Researcher Guilherme Liberato da Silva, is also part of the team that works at Univates Acarology Laboratory, and is also responsible for another family of mites. He has recently sent a catalogue on Tydeidae mites for publication in London. The catalogue is an important source of information in the area as it provides organised material on the subject. It includes material from China and Russia. “We need to have access to every possible piece of information when producing a catalogue. A catalogue is one of the most reliable sources when in research. They are cited in a list of projects.”. 

Both professor Liana and PhD student Guilherme are in charge of updating the information on the family of mites they study in the Brazilian Fauna Catalogue. Professor Ferla says the team is very excited about the materials they receive from other countries for analysis. “Mites are all around, so when we find out a new type, we can either send them to other specialists or study them ourselves, and we chose the latter.” – he says.

There are many congresses of acarology, but the most important is International Congress of Acarology – ICA, that takes place every four years. The next one is scheduled for 2018, in the city of Ordu. This is an indication of the importance of the research centre at the Turkish institution. “If everything works as planned, we will be in Turkey in 2018.” – says he. 


Author: Tuane Eggers

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