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08 Setembro de 2016

Univates and Dash Games encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in CRIExp

From the 6 th to the 8 th of October, Univates will stage Dash Games, an event organised through a partnership between the Digital Games Developers Association of Rio Grande do Sul – AdjogosRS and Univates, which will also stage CRIExp, an event aimed at people committed to innovation and entrepreneurship, to happen on the same date and at the same venue.
Organised by AdjogosRS, the 2 nd Dash Games and CRIExp have similar purposes: encourage development. “We think it is interesting to support developers from the small towns.” – says Carlos Idiart, president of AdjogosRS.
Prominent companies in Rio Grande do Sul from cities like Santa Maria, Passo Fundo and Pelotas are part of the association. “We want to spread it and transform the whole Rio Grande do Sul with the same development or, at least, encourage this development.”, says Carlos. He says that the companies that are part of AdjogosRS are small, but their personnel have an entrepreneur profile and this is the reason why it will be a good partnership. The structure offered by Univates was relevant to attract Dash Games organisers’ interest.
“Univates is a community institution and in its history is the commitment to social, economic and cultural development of Vale do Taquari. Stimulating creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship is our institution’s DNA. Hosting Dash Games is an opportunity for exchanges, experiences and development of an area that is highly interesting to our academics.” Says Mouriac Diemer, CRIExp coordinator.
For the first time in Brazil, Henrik Scheel, from Startup Experience and Justin Wilcox, from Customer Dev Labs/Silicon Valley and author of The Focus Framework will participate in CRIExp, not to mention Clemente Nóbrega, Martha Gabriel, Carlos Hilsdorf, futurist Tiago Mattos, Fábio Nunes, João Kepler and Marcos Piangers, among others. In addition, the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy Desafio Hospital Bruno Born/Sebrae and CRIE Music Festival that has Maria Gadú as the headliner.  CRIExp is aimed at all Univates students, students from other universities, students in Elementary and Secondary Education, startups, entrepreneurs and everyone interested in the subject. For registration and upcoming events, please, see www.criexp.com.br
About Dash Games – for three days, anttendees will have the opportunity to enjoy lectures, workshops, gamejam playtests and matchmaking with publishers and investors from Brazil and from overseas. This is the second time the event takes place. The aim is to create new business opportunities by encouraging the growth of the video game industry. Besides overseas guests, representatives from other Brazilian companies and the trade press.
Follow the event on https://www.facebook.com/DashGames
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