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18 Setembro de 2017

Univates participates in international education conference

Annually, the European Association for International Education (EAIE) organizes a conference about concerns in the professional field of higher education. The event, on a global scale, is one of the most important ones in the European educational calendar and attracts more than 6,000 participants. This year, the event was held from September 12th to 15th in Seville, Spain. Univates, through its International Relations Office (DRI), was once more present at the EAIE International Education Conference.

The fair is itinerant in the European territory and offers opportunities for the prospection of partnerships and the dissemination of the Institution internationally. The conference offers discussions, information sharing and contributions to professional development. Since 2014, Univates participates in the event, represented by Prof. Dr. Viviane Bischoff.

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Founded in 1989, EAIE is a non-profit organization that works for individuals actively involved in the internationalization of their institutions, through conferences, training, sharing of experiences and knowledge.

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