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26 Setembro de 2018

Univates arrives in the Northeast with PPGEnsino

Postgraduate programs with good evaluation are authorized by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) to be offered outside the headquarters of the promoting institution as a way to provide scientific and cultural development in different parts of the country. In the case of Univates Graduate Program in Teaching (PPGEnsino), with grade 4, the Inter-Institutional Masters Degree (Minter) will be offered in Lagarto, in the state of Sergipe, through a partnership with Ages-Uniages University Center, whose headquarters is in the state of Bahia.
According to the pro-rector of Research, Extension and Postgraduate Studies, Maria Madalena Dullius, the approximation between the institutions came from the contact of the Rector of Uniages who knew Univates and the quality of the works developed at the University of Vale do Taquari, and showed interest in qualifying its faculty. "When I visited Uniages in a meeting with more than 30 professors, the rector pointed out that the reason for choosing Univates as a partner to qualify his group of professors is due to the quality and seriousness that he noticed in the works developed here when he visited us and also for the grade of our programs", she explains.
Madalena adds that each PPG can only offer a master's and a doctoral degree in another research and teaching institution at a time. In addition to the Minter in PPGEnsino, that starts classes in October this year, Minter negotiation of the other PPGs of the Institution and Dinter (inter-institutional doctorate) are also under negotiation.
According to the PPGEnsino coordinator, Professor Ieda Maria Giongo, being able to offer Minter is an indicator of the quality of the Univates program.
"On the part of Univates, the interest in offering this modality meets our social mission and communitarian character, because we understand that it is a commitment of a higher education institution to offer subsidies for the development of the different regions, in this case through the qualification of teachers", she says.
Ieda adds that Minter professors will be the same ones who carry out activities at Univates, which ensures that the quality of the Institution and the PPG will be assured. Ieda also explains that the greatest impact of the PPGEnsino's activities in Sergipe will be in relation to the study of local school realities and the proposition of new theories and methods that explain or solve the objects of investigation.
“Univates faculty will work in the courses taught and through the theoretical and methodological support so that the master candidates can develop their research. As their context is different from ours, the impact will be precisely in the study of the demands and alternatives for that region. In this process, our professors will also add new knowledge”, Ieda Giongo. 
Minter activities at PPGEnsino should start at Lagarto in the first week of October.
How will it work?
PPGEnsino's professors will travel to Ages to teach the courses, whose workload will be concentrated in the first week of each month, from October 2018 to September 2019. In the weeks following the classes, the students will perform the activities of the courses and, in parallel, work on their research and master’s thesis.
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