Sistemas agroflorestais como proposta para a recuperação de áreas degradadas no RS, Brasil
Freitas, Elisete Maria De
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Para atender novos padrões de consumo e produzir em larga escala estimulou-se a
implantação de um modelo agrícola baseado na monocultura, na alta produtividade,
na mecanização e no uso intensivo de insumos químicos. É inegável que esse modelo
trouxe benefícios às pessoas e à economia. Entretanto, é responsável por uma série
de problemas ambientais e de saúde de produtores e consumidores, principalmente,
pelo uso excessivo de agroquímicos. Diante disso, vem crescendo a busca por
alternativas sustentáveis na produção agrícola. É nesse contexto que surgem os
sistemas agroflorestais (SAF) que, além de alternativa para a exploração econômica,
constituem excelente opção para a recuperação de áreas degradadas. Diante disso,
o objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar SAF implantados ou em implantação no Rio
Grande do Sul (RS), conhecer como está sendo conduzido o processo de certificação
de SAF pela Secretaria do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do RS (SEMA)
e elaborar um projeto de um SAF como proposta de recuperação de uma área
degradada na região do Vale do Taquari. Foram entrevistados cinco proprietários de
áreas com SAF implantados ou em implantação no RS e um dos técnicos
responsáveis pelo processo de certificação florestal da SEMA. As entrevistas foram
transcritas e as respostas relacionadas com base em análise pessoal, associando-se
aos princípios da agroecologia e das características dos SAF. Para a elaboração do
projeto de SAF, foi selecionada uma propriedade rural com área degradada no
município de Santa Clara do Sul, situada na região central do RS. No presente estudo,
os principais fatores apontados pelos agricultores para a implantação de SAF são
manter um estilo de vida mais saudável, preservar os recursos naturais e atender a
legislação vigente. A viabilidade econômica dos SAF depende das espécies que os
compõem e, quanto maior a diversidade, maior a possibilidade de comercialização.
Arbóreas frutíferas e hortaliças são as espécies mais exploradas nos SAF visitados.
Conforme relatado pelos proprietários, a implantação do SAF trouxe melhorias
financeiras às propriedades. Os incentivos recebidos por parte de técnicos e
associações contribuem para que os agricultores tenham acesso a informações e
conheçam casos de sucesso. Os técnicos da SEMA criaram um documento único para
o licenciamento e certificação das agroflorestas, que pode ser renovada anualmente
e de maneira automática. A proposta para a implantação do SAF prevê o uso de
espécies de interesse comercial, conforme sugestões da proprietária (frutíferas,
medicinais, ornamentais e plantas alimentícias não convencionais), e plantas que
farão parte do sistema a fim de facilitar o processo de recuperação da área degradada,
tanto as adubadeiras, e/ou fixadoras de nitrogênio, como aquelas que viabilizam um
ambiente ecofisiológico adequado para outras espécies. Por solicitação da
proprietária, para a implementação levam em consideração o uso de fertilizantes e
defensivos exclusivos em sistemas de produção orgânica, o que permite agregar valor
ao produto final no momento da comercialização. A maioria dos SAF visitados seguem
os princípios da agroecologia e são modo de produção eficientes na recuperação de
áreas degradadas.
To attend new consumption standards and to produce in large scale, the monoculture model has been implemented, with high productivity, mechanization and intense usage of chemical inputs. It is undeniable that such model brought benefits to people and to the economy. However, it also brought a series of problems to the environment, to the people’s health, producers and consumers, due to the excessive usage of chemicals. Given these facts, the search for sustainable agriculture alternatives is growing. In this context, the agroforest systems (AFS) arise as an alternative to the economic exploitation and an excellent option for regeneration of degraded areas. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize implemented, or in process of implementation, AFS’s in Rio Grande do Sul (RS). To understand the certification processes of the Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development (SEMA), and to elaborate a restoration AFS in the Taquari Valley region. Five AFS owners were interviewed, as well one technician of SEMA, responsible for the certifications. The interviews were transcribed and the answers were correlated to the principles of agro ecology and AFS’s features. To develop the AFS project, was selected a rural property in the municipality of Santa Clara do Sul, central RS. In this study, the main factors pointed out by the farmers about the AFS implementation were: the healthier lifestyle, the preservation of natural resources and the compromise to the present laws. The economic viability of the AFS’s depends on its species composition and, as bigger the diversity, the bigger the commercial possibilities. Fruit trees and vegetables are the species most used in the visited AFS’s. According to the owners’ accounts, the AFS implementation brought financial improvements to the properties. The incentives received from the technicians and from the associations, contributed to the access to information and the knowledge of successful cases. The SEMA technicians developed a unique document for the licensing and certification of the AFS’s, which can be renewed annually automatically. According to the owners, the implementation proposal of AFS’s predicts the use of commercial interest species: fruit, medicinal, ornamental and non-conventional edible plants. Also, species that contribute to the restoration process of degraded areas, as fertilizers, nitrogen fixing and ecologically valuable plants, which improve the environment for the other plants. As preference of an owner, the fertilizers and pesticides used are exclusively developed for organic systems, fact that also increases commercial value for the products. The majority of the AFS’s visited follow the principles of agro ecology and were considered efficient for the restoration of degraded areas.
To attend new consumption standards and to produce in large scale, the monoculture model has been implemented, with high productivity, mechanization and intense usage of chemical inputs. It is undeniable that such model brought benefits to people and to the economy. However, it also brought a series of problems to the environment, to the people’s health, producers and consumers, due to the excessive usage of chemicals. Given these facts, the search for sustainable agriculture alternatives is growing. In this context, the agroforest systems (AFS) arise as an alternative to the economic exploitation and an excellent option for regeneration of degraded areas. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize implemented, or in process of implementation, AFS’s in Rio Grande do Sul (RS). To understand the certification processes of the Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development (SEMA), and to elaborate a restoration AFS in the Taquari Valley region. Five AFS owners were interviewed, as well one technician of SEMA, responsible for the certifications. The interviews were transcribed and the answers were correlated to the principles of agro ecology and AFS’s features. To develop the AFS project, was selected a rural property in the municipality of Santa Clara do Sul, central RS. In this study, the main factors pointed out by the farmers about the AFS implementation were: the healthier lifestyle, the preservation of natural resources and the compromise to the present laws. The economic viability of the AFS’s depends on its species composition and, as bigger the diversity, the bigger the commercial possibilities. Fruit trees and vegetables are the species most used in the visited AFS’s. According to the owners’ accounts, the AFS implementation brought financial improvements to the properties. The incentives received from the technicians and from the associations, contributed to the access to information and the knowledge of successful cases. The SEMA technicians developed a unique document for the licensing and certification of the AFS’s, which can be renewed annually automatically. According to the owners, the implementation proposal of AFS’s predicts the use of commercial interest species: fruit, medicinal, ornamental and non-conventional edible plants. Also, species that contribute to the restoration process of degraded areas, as fertilizers, nitrogen fixing and ecologically valuable plants, which improve the environment for the other plants. As preference of an owner, the fertilizers and pesticides used are exclusively developed for organic systems, fact that also increases commercial value for the products. The majority of the AFS’s visited follow the principles of agro ecology and were considered efficient for the restoration of degraded areas.
agricultura familiar; agroecologia; sustentabilidade
KRONHARDT, Míriam Helena. Sistemas agroflorestais como proposta para a recuperação de áreas degradadas no RS, Brasil. 2018. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Sistemas Ambientais Sustentáveis, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 27 abr. 2018. Disponível em: