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O Registro de Imóveis surgiu, no Brasil, como forma de garantir a segurança jurídica das relações imobiliárias e o direito de propriedade, como misto dos sistemas registrais imobiliários francês e alemão. Já o Direito Ambiental sofreu elevação de tratamento a nível constitucional, desde a inédita inserção, em capítulo próprio, embora de artigo único (Constituição Federal, artigo 225, caput e §§ 1º a 7º), para regular o meio ambiente e, a partir de então, evidenciar a propriedade, sob o prisma da respectiva função social. Sob tal ponto de vista, cada imóvel deve respeitar o seu espaço, seja em relação às determinações das leis urbanas, seja em relação às leis ambientais. Em outros termos, deve haver um condicionamento entre o exercício do direito de propriedade e a preservação do meio ambiente, de modo a garantir à sociedade um meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado. Assim, a conjugação das normas ambientais com os princípios registrais favorece a publicidade e a segurança que se esperam dos negócios jurídicos cujo objeto seja bem imóvel. O objetivo central deste estudo é analisar os reflexos oriundos do Código Florestal, nos registros de imóveis na região da Amazônia Legal. Também se discorreu sobre o papel do Registrador de Imóveis como instrumento de proteção ao meio ambiente, por meio de sua atuação em prol da publicidade registral e da segurança jurídica, ambas inerentes ao sistema. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados são a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. O método será o dedutivo e a abordagem adotada será a qualitativa. Foi aplicado um questionário cujo critério de escolha foi a resposta de delegatários cuja circunscritos na região da Amazônia Legal, conforme anexo. Pretende-se com esta pesquisa poder contribuir para a elucidação de aspectos práticos da legislação ambiental aplicáveis ao registro de imóveis brasileiro, servindo de base para novos estudos e consistindo em catalisador para mudanças na seara dos Registros Públicos no aspecto ambiental.
The Property Registration appeared in Brazil as a way of guaranteeing the legal security of real estate relations and the right to property, as a mixture of the French and German real estate registration systems. Environmental Law, on the other hand, has undergone an increase in treatment at the constitutional level, since the unprecedented insertion, in its own chapter, although a single article (Federal Constitution, article 225, caput and §§ 1 to 7), to regulate the environment and, from from then on, highlighting the property, from the point of view of the respective social function. From this point of view, each property must respect its space, either in relation to the determinations of urban laws or in relation to environmental laws. In other words, there must be a conditioning between the exercise of property rights and the preservation of the environment, in order to guarantee society an ecologically balanced environment. Thus, the combination of environmental standards with registration principles favors the publicity and security that are expected from legal transactions whose object is immovable property. The main objective of this study is to analyze the consequences arising from the Forest Code, in real estate records in the Legal Amazon region. The role of the Property Registration as an instrument for protecting the environment was also discussed, through its performance in favor of registration publicity and legal certainty, both inherent to the system. The methodological procedures adopted are bibliographic and documental research. The method will be deductive and the approach adopted will be qualitative. A questionnaire was applied whose choice criterion was the response of delegates whose circumscribed in the Legal Amazon region, as shown in the annex. It is intended with this research to be able to contribute to the elucidation of practical aspects of the environmental legislation applicable to the Brazilian real estate registry, serving as a basis for new studies and consisting of a catalyst for changes in the field of Public Registries in the environmental aspect.
The Property Registration appeared in Brazil as a way of guaranteeing the legal security of real estate relations and the right to property, as a mixture of the French and German real estate registration systems. Environmental Law, on the other hand, has undergone an increase in treatment at the constitutional level, since the unprecedented insertion, in its own chapter, although a single article (Federal Constitution, article 225, caput and §§ 1 to 7), to regulate the environment and, from from then on, highlighting the property, from the point of view of the respective social function. From this point of view, each property must respect its space, either in relation to the determinations of urban laws or in relation to environmental laws. In other words, there must be a conditioning between the exercise of property rights and the preservation of the environment, in order to guarantee society an ecologically balanced environment. Thus, the combination of environmental standards with registration principles favors the publicity and security that are expected from legal transactions whose object is immovable property. The main objective of this study is to analyze the consequences arising from the Forest Code, in real estate records in the Legal Amazon region. The role of the Property Registration as an instrument for protecting the environment was also discussed, through its performance in favor of registration publicity and legal certainty, both inherent to the system. The methodological procedures adopted are bibliographic and documental research. The method will be deductive and the approach adopted will be qualitative. A questionnaire was applied whose choice criterion was the response of delegates whose circumscribed in the Legal Amazon region, as shown in the annex. It is intended with this research to be able to contribute to the elucidation of practical aspects of the environmental legislation applicable to the Brazilian real estate registry, serving as a basis for new studies and consisting of a catalyst for changes in the field of Public Registries in the environmental aspect.
Amazônia Legal, Direito Ambiental, Função social, Registro de Imóveis, Publicidade, Legal Amazon, Environmental Law, Social role, Property Registration, Publicity
BITTENCOURT, GUIOMAR ROCHA PEREIRA MAGALHÃES. O PRINCÍPIO DA PUBLICIDADE NO REGISTRO DE IMÓVEIS COMO GARANTIA DE PROTEÇÃO AMBIENTAL DAS PROPRIEDADES RURAIS NA REGIÃO DA AMAZÔNIA LEGAL. 2022. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Curso de Sistemas Ambientais Sustentáveis, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 30 ago. 2022. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/4570.