Fatores que influenciam a manutenção da conta bancária pelos clientes da geração Y e Z em um determinado banco
Berrá, Lizete
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Conhecer o cliente e suas necessidades tornou-se uma tarefa desafiadora e complexa, visto que os consumidores estão cada vez mais exigentes e diversificados. Para a indústria bancária entender o comportamento dos jovens da geração Y e Z tem-se tornado objeto de estudo, com o propósito de compreender as mudanças que suas ações podem provocar ao longo dos próximos anos. A fim de compreender o comportamento financeiro dos jovens, este artigo tem como objetivo identificar quais os fatores críticos na manutenção da conta bancária pelo público da geração Y e Z, compostas por indivíduos nascidos entre 1977 a 2002, conforme corte de idade defendido por Solomon (2011), dos municípios de Encantado e Arroio do Meio-RS, em relação a um determinado banco. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória e aprofundada, realizando nove entrevistas a uma amostra selecionada por conveniência. A pesquisa revelou que os pesquisados sofrem influência dos empregadores na hora de escolherem o banco que iram abrir sua primeira conta, como também dos pais, caso seja aberta com a finalidade apenas de poupar. Verificou-se também que os jovens dessas gerações presam por um atendimento transparente e igualitário, sendo que os colaboradores das instituições financeiras precisam ter a competência de empatia ao atender as pessoas.
Knowing the customers and their needs has become a challenging and complex task, since the consumers are increasingly more and more demanding and diverse each day. For the bank industry, understanding the behavior of young people from generations Y and Z has become an object of study, with the purpose of understanding the changes this behavior may cause in the years to come. In order to understand the financial behavior of young people, this article aims to identify the critical factors in keeping the bank account by the public of generation Y and Z, composed of individuals born between 1977 and 2002, as advocated by Solomon cutting age (2011), from the towns of Encantado and Arroio do Meio-RS, in relation to a particular bank. This is a qualitative, exploratory and deep research, where nine interviews were conducted to a sample selected by convenience. The survey revealed that respondents are influenced by their employers when it comes to choosing the bank where they will open their first account, as well as by their parents, when they open it only in order to save money. It has also been revealed that these generations appreciate a transparent and equitable service, requiring the financial institution employees to be very empathetic when serving clients.
Knowing the customers and their needs has become a challenging and complex task, since the consumers are increasingly more and more demanding and diverse each day. For the bank industry, understanding the behavior of young people from generations Y and Z has become an object of study, with the purpose of understanding the changes this behavior may cause in the years to come. In order to understand the financial behavior of young people, this article aims to identify the critical factors in keeping the bank account by the public of generation Y and Z, composed of individuals born between 1977 and 2002, as advocated by Solomon cutting age (2011), from the towns of Encantado and Arroio do Meio-RS, in relation to a particular bank. This is a qualitative, exploratory and deep research, where nine interviews were conducted to a sample selected by convenience. The survey revealed that respondents are influenced by their employers when it comes to choosing the bank where they will open their first account, as well as by their parents, when they open it only in order to save money. It has also been revealed that these generations appreciate a transparent and equitable service, requiring the financial institution employees to be very empathetic when serving clients.
Marketing; Marketing de relacionamento; Geração Y e Z
SARTORI, Francielle. Fatores que influenciam a manutenção da conta bancária pelos clientes da geração Y e Z em um determinado banco. 2016. Artigo (Graduação) – Curso de Administração - LFE Negócios Agroindustriais, Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 04 nov. 2016. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/1464.