Dalmáz, Mateus
Laroque, Luís Fernando Da Silva
Lopes, Sérgio Nunes
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Pretende-se realizar uma análise teórico-metodológica dos capítulos relativos à Idade Média europeia de nove livros didáticos do componente curricular de História referentes ao sexto ano do Ensino Fundamental escolhidos pelo Programa Nacional do Livro e do Material Didático (PNLD) de 2020. Procurou-se identificar a corrente historiográfica adotada pelos autores dos livros didáticos nos capítulos dedicados à História Medieval bem como verificar se a história medieval ibérica foi abordada. Caso essa possibilidade se confirme, analisam-se as temáticas apresentadas e as narrativas empregadas. Utiliza-se na metodologia a abordagem qualitativa, a pesquisa exploratória e bibliográfica, esta na seleção de referencial teórico e na bibliografia dos livros didáticos. O referencial teórico é composto pelas obras de Barros (2012) - sobre a definição de termos como escola historiográfica - Barros (2010) - um histórico sobre a Escola dos Annales - Matos (2013) - uma síntese da Escola dos Annales - Burke (1992), uma obra teórica sobre historiografia e Júnior (2022), um texto sobre materialismo histórico. Chegou-se ao resultado de que a corrente historiográfica utilizada na totalidade dos livros didáticos é a Escola dos Annales. Também é notória a prevalência dos conteúdos relacionados à Idade Média da Europa Ocidental, dando a impressão de que a Idade Média foi um período consideravelmente homogêneo. Além disso, o medievo ibérico é abordado de forma insuficiente e a História Política predomina nas narrativas, dificultando assim a identificação da Escola dos Annales unicamente por meio dos trechos relativos à história medieval ibérica.
It is intended to carry out a theoretical-methodological analysis of the chapters related to the European Middle Ages of nine textbooks of the curricular component of History referring to the sixth year of Elementary School chosen by the 2020 National Book and Teaching Material Program (PNLD). To identify the historiographic current adopted by the authors of the textbooks in the chapters dedicated to Medieval History as well as to verify if the Iberian medieval history was approached. If this possibility is confirmed, the themes presented and the narratives used are analyzed. The methodology uses a qualitative approach, exploratory and bibliographical research, the latter in the selection of theoretical references and in the bibliography of textbooks. The theoretical framework is composed of the works of Barros (2012) - on the definition of terms such as historiographical school - Barros (2010) - a history of the School of Annales - Matos (2013) - a synthesis of the School of Annales - Burke (1992 ), a theoretical work on historiography, and Júnior (2022), a text on historical materialism. The result was that the historiographic current used in all textbooks is the Annales School. The prevalence of content related to the Middle Ages in Western Europe is also notorious, giving the impression that the Middle Ages were a considerably homogeneous period. In addition, the Iberian Medieval period is insufficiently addressed and Political History predominates in the narratives, thus making it difficult to identify the School of Annales solely through the passages related to Iberian Medieval History.
It is intended to carry out a theoretical-methodological analysis of the chapters related to the European Middle Ages of nine textbooks of the curricular component of History referring to the sixth year of Elementary School chosen by the 2020 National Book and Teaching Material Program (PNLD). To identify the historiographic current adopted by the authors of the textbooks in the chapters dedicated to Medieval History as well as to verify if the Iberian medieval history was approached. If this possibility is confirmed, the themes presented and the narratives used are analyzed. The methodology uses a qualitative approach, exploratory and bibliographical research, the latter in the selection of theoretical references and in the bibliography of textbooks. The theoretical framework is composed of the works of Barros (2012) - on the definition of terms such as historiographical school - Barros (2010) - a history of the School of Annales - Matos (2013) - a synthesis of the School of Annales - Burke (1992 ), a theoretical work on historiography, and Júnior (2022), a text on historical materialism. The result was that the historiographic current used in all textbooks is the Annales School. The prevalence of content related to the Middle Ages in Western Europe is also notorious, giving the impression that the Middle Ages were a considerably homogeneous period. In addition, the Iberian Medieval period is insufficiently addressed and Political History predominates in the narratives, thus making it difficult to identify the School of Annales solely through the passages related to Iberian Medieval History.
Historiografia Medieval; Escola dos Annales; Península Ibérica; Livros didáticos; Medieval Historiography; School of the Annales; Iberian Peninsula; Didatic books
KOSTOLOWICZ, Bruno Franz. A PRESENÇA DA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA NAS CORRENTES HISTORIOGRÁFICAS SOBRE HISTÓRIA MEDIEVAL NOS LIVROS DIDÁTICOS INDICADOS PELO PNLD DE 2020 PARA O 6º ANO DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL. 2023. Monografia (Graduação em História) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 07 jul. 2023. Disponível em: http://hdl.handle.net/10737/3824.