Previsão da vida útil de pavimento da BR-386/RS através de método mecanístico empírico

dc.contributor.advisor1Mattos, João Rodrigo Guerreiro
dc.contributor.referee1Mattos, João Rodrigo Guerreiro
dc.contributor.referee1Gauer, Emanuele Amanda
dc.contributor.referee1Garcia, Cezar José Pereira
dc.creatorFransozi, Carolina Becker Pôrto
dc.description.abstractO pavimento, por definição, é uma estrutura constituída por camadas que tem como função receber os esforços gerados pelos deslocamentos de veículos e transferi-los para as camadas inferiores, além de proporcionar conforto e segurança aos usuários. Para isso, esta estrutura deve atender às especificações de projeto, que devem estar associadas ao desempenho quanto ao fluxo de veículos que a via deverá atender, os materiais disponíveis para sua construção e as características desses. Na elaboração do projeto determina-se uma estrutura que terá uma vida útil na qual as condições de rodagem sejam adequadas, sem haver ruptura dos materiais e nem afundamentos permanentes excessivos. A metodologia do Método de Projeto de Pavimentos Flexíveis do antigo Departamento Nacional de Estradas de rodagem (DNER, 1981), no entanto, não considera características elásticas dos materiais que podem causar defeitos no pavimento antes do período previsto de projeto. Atualmente, existem programas computacionais que calculam as tensões e deformações no interior do pavimento e assim é possível, através de modelos de previsão de desempenho, fazer uma estimativa da vida útil destes, considerando a composição do pavimento, as condições de tráfego e clima ao qual está submetido. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo prever a vida útil de um trecho de aproximadamente 300 m do pavimento da duplicação da rodovia BR-386/RS por conceitos mecanísticos-empíricos. A partir das características resilientes dos materiais empregados e das espessuras das camadas executadas do pavimento utilizou-se o software SisPavBR (Sistema para análise e dimensionamento mecanístico-empírico de pavimentos flexíveis) para analisar o desempenho deste pavimento típico da rodovia BR-386/RS. Os resultados apontaram que a estrutura de pavimento, nas condições estudadas deste trecho, possivelmente terá uma redução de 46% da sua vida útil de projeto.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractPavement, by definition, is a hard layered structure which is designed to receive the strains generated by the displacement of vehicles and transfer them to lower layers. It also provides comfort and safety for users. To make this happen, the structure must meet the design specifications, which must be linked to performance on the vehicles flow that the track shall meet, materials available for its construction and their characteristics. Once elaborating the project, it determines a structure that will have a useful life in adequate road conditions, without material disruptions neither excessive permanent sags. The methodology of the Method of Flexible Pavement Design of the former National Highway Department (DNER, 1981), however, doesn’t consider the materials’ elastic characteristics which may cause flaws in the pavement before the period of the project. Currently, there are computer programs that calculate the strains and stresses in the interior’s pavement and so it is possible, through forecasting performance models, to estimate its useful life, considering the pavement’s composition, traffic conditions and climate to which is submitted. Thus, this study aims to predict the lifetime of a stretch of approximately 300 meters in the pavement of highway (BR-386/RS) duplication by mechanistic-empirical design concepts. From the resilient characteristics of the materials used and the layers thicknesses of the pavement executed was used SisPavBR software (System for analysis mechanistic-empirical design of flexible pavements) to analyze the performance of this typical highway pavement BR-386/RS. The results showed that the pavement structure under the conditions studied on this stretch, possibly will have a 465 reduction of its project’s useful life.Pavement, by definition, is a hard layered structure which is designed to receive the strains generated by the displacement of vehicles and transfer them to lower layers. It also provides comfort and safety for users. To make this happen, the structure must meet the design specifications, which must be linked to performance on the vehicles flow that the track shall meet, materials available for its construction and their characteristics. Once elaborating the project, it determines a structure that will have a useful life in adequate road conditions, without material disruptions neither excessive permanent sags. The methodology of the Method of Flexible Pavement Design of the former National Highway Department (DNER, 1981), however, doesn’t consider the materials’ elastic characteristics which may cause flaws in the pavement before the period of the project. Currently, there are computer programs that calculate the strains and stresses in the interior’s pavement and so it is possible, through forecasting performance models, to estimate its useful life, considering the pavement’s composition, traffic conditions and climate to which is submitted. Thus, this study aims to predict the lifetime of a stretch of approximately 300 meters in the pavement of highway (BR-386/RS) duplication by mechanistic-empirical design concepts. From the resilient characteristics of the materials used and the layers thicknesses of the pavement executed was used SisPavBR software (System for analysis mechanistic-empirical design of flexible pavements) to analyze the performance of this typical highway pavement BR-386/RS. The results showed that the pavement structure under the conditions studied on this stretch, possibly will have a 465 reduction of its project’s useful life.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationFRANSOZI, Carolina Becker Pôrto. Previsão da vida útil de pavimento da BR-386/RS através de método mecanístico empírico. 2014. Monografia (Graduação em Engenharia Civil) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, jun. 2014. Disponível em: pt_BR
dc.subjectMecânica dos pavimentospt_BR
dc.subjectDimensionamento de pavimentos flexíveispt_BR
dc.subjectPrevisão de desempenhopt_BR
dc.titlePrevisão da vida útil de pavimento da BR-386/RS através de método mecanístico empíricopt_BR
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