Borsoi, Cleide
Reisdorfer, Gustavo
Catto, Andre Luis
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O asfalto convencional vem passando por modificações para fins de melhor resistência e durabilidade nos últimos anos. Alguns pesquisadores observaram que para uma melhor resistência a fissuras, podem ser adicionados ao cimento asfáltico de petróleo diferentes tipos de materiais como polímeros, fibras, borracha moída de pneus inservíveis, entre outros. A utilização de borracha moída, pode auxiliar na maior durabilidade a fissuras, modificando de forma negativa a viscosidade do material durante o processamento e quando adicionado ao ligante. Com isso, o objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar as características do ligante asfáltico com incorporação de borracha moída de pneus inservíveis na proporção de 21% em massa e diferentes concentrações de óleo vegetal residual, nas concentrações de 5, 10 e 15% em massa. As amostras foram obtidas por meio de processo de aquecimento do ligante, a aproximadamente 135 ºC, com agitação manual. Com o ligante na temperatura desejada, foram adicionadas as quantidades de borracha e após o óleo vegetal residual para cada amostra. Os ensaios de caracterização realizados foram: ponto de amolecimento, viscosidade de Brookfiled e teste de penetração. O cimento asfáltico de petróleo (cap) modificado com 21% de borracha e contendo 5% de óleo vegetal residual de soja foi a única amostra que apresentou redução na viscosidade, atendendo a norma do DNIT 095/2006, apresentando viscosidade de 115 cP, 51% menor que o cap convencional e teste de penetração abaixo do limite de 150 mm, suportando temperaturas de aquecimento superiores a 177 ºC. De modo geral verificou-se que 5% de óleo vegetal residual pode ser uma alternativa viável para utilização como aditivo redutor de viscosidade, reduzindo as rachaduras e o envelhecimento do cap.
Conventional asphalt has been undergoing modifications to improve resistance and durability in recent years. Some researchers have observed that for better crack resistance, they can be added to asphalt cement of petroleum different types of materials such as polymers, fibers, ground rubber waste tires, among others. The use of ground rubber can help with greater durability to cracks, negatively modifying the viscosity of the material during processing and when added to the binder. Therefore, the objective of this study consists of evaluating the characteristics of the asphalt binder with incorporation of ground rubber from scrap tires in a proportion of 21% by mass and different concentrations of residual vegetable oil, at concentrations of 5, 10 and 15% by mass. The samples were obtained through a binder heating process, approximately 135 ºC, with manual stirring. With the binder at temperature desired amount of rubber was added and after the vegetable oil residual for each sample. The characterization tests carried out were: softening, Brookfiled viscosity and penetration test. Asphalt cement petroleum (cap) modified with 21% rubber and containing 5% vegetable oil soybean residue was the only sample that showed a reduction in viscosity, meeting the DNIT 095/2006 standard, presenting a viscosity of 115 cP, 51% smaller than the conventional cap and penetration test below the limit of 150 mm, withstanding heating temperatures exceeding 177 ºC. Generally it was found that 5% residual vegetable oil can be a viable alternative for use as a viscosity reducing additive, reducing cracking and aging of the cap.
Conventional asphalt has been undergoing modifications to improve resistance and durability in recent years. Some researchers have observed that for better crack resistance, they can be added to asphalt cement of petroleum different types of materials such as polymers, fibers, ground rubber waste tires, among others. The use of ground rubber can help with greater durability to cracks, negatively modifying the viscosity of the material during processing and when added to the binder. Therefore, the objective of this study consists of evaluating the characteristics of the asphalt binder with incorporation of ground rubber from scrap tires in a proportion of 21% by mass and different concentrations of residual vegetable oil, at concentrations of 5, 10 and 15% by mass. The samples were obtained through a binder heating process, approximately 135 ºC, with manual stirring. With the binder at temperature desired amount of rubber was added and after the vegetable oil residual for each sample. The characterization tests carried out were: softening, Brookfiled viscosity and penetration test. Asphalt cement petroleum (cap) modified with 21% rubber and containing 5% vegetable oil soybean residue was the only sample that showed a reduction in viscosity, meeting the DNIT 095/2006 standard, presenting a viscosity of 115 cP, 51% smaller than the conventional cap and penetration test below the limit of 150 mm, withstanding heating temperatures exceeding 177 ºC. Generally it was found that 5% residual vegetable oil can be a viable alternative for use as a viscosity reducing additive, reducing cracking and aging of the cap.
asfalto; asphalt; cimento asfáltico de petróleo; petroleum asphalt cement; óleo vegetal residual; ligante; binder; borracha; rubber; vegetable oil residual
HEBERLE, Gabriel. CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE MISTURA ASFÁLTICA COM INCORPORAÇÃO DE BORRACHA MOÍDA DE PNEUS INSERVÍVEIS COM DIFERENTES CONCENTRAÇÕES DE ÓLEO VEGETAL RESIDUAL. 2023. Monografia (Graduação em Engenharia Química) – Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, 12 dez. 2023. Disponível em: