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Submission Standards

Participants who are interested in presenting papers at the First Brazilian Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Mites, should register for the event and submit their abstract. Click here.

Abstracts will be submitted to peer review and the authors will be notified by e-mail regarding the Scientific Committee’s approval and whether it has been selected to be presented orally or as a poster (both virtual).

The abstracts approved by the Scientific Committee will be included in the Annals of the Event and must be written in Portuguese or English, in accordance with the standards mentioned below.

Deadline and dates

Abstracts must be submitted between Nov 1, 2020 and Feb 20, 2021, and the authors will be informed about approval by Feb 28, 2020, and how they will be presented. 20 will be invited to present their papers from the abstracts selected.

Standard format required for abstracts

1. The scientific abstracts must be written in Portuguese or English and in plain text format, with the title (in Portuguese and English) and authors, including: Introduction, Objective, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion or Expected Results (in the case of projects).
2. The body of the abstract must be no longer than 2500 characters (including spaces). It should only consist of text (without quotations).
3. There must be no references or acknowledgments.
4. The title of the paper must be in capitals.
5. List who the authors are affiliated to, numbered according to the authors' names and also include the email address of the main author.
6. Include at least three and no more than five keywords (in Portuguese and English), capitalized and separated by a comma.
7. Any abbreviations should be contained within parentheses, after the first use of the full title in the paper.
8. Scientific names should follow the naming convention for their respective area.

Standard format required for posters

Posters will be displayed virtually as pdfs on the event website.
1. The poster must be produced in widescreen format (33.86 cm x 19.05 cm), orientated in landscape. It must be saved in pdf format.
2. For identification, the top part should include:
a. The Logo of the Institution taking part;
b. The title of the paper (in Portuguese and English);
c. The Author(s): names of the author(s) [if PhD - Prof. or Dr. and the name; if Master - Name and MS];
d. The Affiliation of the authors and the email of the lead author;
3. The poster body can vary according to the needs of the paper. Where possible, include: Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions or Expected Results. Acknowledgments to the supporting body, where appropriate.
4. The font and size of the text are at the authors' discretion, but they should take into consideration the quality of the display on the screen.

Presentation standards

1. The abstracts selected must be presented using slides, by one of the authors of the abstract.
2. Length of Presentation: 15 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.
3. Further clarifications can be provided together with the e-mail for disseminating the abstracts selected for oral presentation.