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Nutrition Clinic

At Univates, students and staff may benefit from clinical nutrition services. For appointments, e-mail ambulatorionutricao@univates.br. Univates also offers paediatric nutrition services for students’ and staff’s children.

The clinical nutrition service, currently available to students and staff, should eventually be accessible to public and will serve hypertensive people, diabetics and people with cardiovascular disease, in addition to offering dietary re-education.

Located in room 207 of Building 12, Univates Nutrition Clinic performs nutrition assessment by using anthropometric resources, which consists of collections of measurements of the human body and its parts. Based on these data and on the patient’s history of clinical nutrition, the nutritionist may prescribe a personalised diet plan to each patient. The services offered by Univates Nutrition Clinic are: dietary re-education, food allergy, diabetes in children, syndromes and errors of metabolism.

The nutritionists are senior nutrition undergraduates who have already taken Clinical Nutrition internship, under the supervision of nutritionist Professor Patrícia Fassina.


Monday: 2 pm to 10:30 pm.
Tuesday to Friday: 8 am to 6:30 pm


Monday: 4:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Tuesday and Wednesday: 12:30 to 6:30 pm
Thursday and Friday: 7:30 am to 1:30 pm