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Authors are invited to submit abstracts related to the themes of the Congress. The abstract must be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French and submitted by the abstract submission system, containing from 3000 to 6000 characters with space. All abstracts should be structured as follows:

1. Title

Enter title in upper and lower case (capital letters only), using a maximum of 200 characters.

2. Author(s)

Enter the names of the authors separated by commas.
Also enter the full name(s) of the institution(s) to which the authors are linked, as faculty member, researcher, student or professional, name in lower case only with the capital letters and last name in upper case.

3. The body of the text should contain:

a) brief presentation of the theme and problem
b) objective(s)
c) justification - relevance of the study/research
d) methodology
e) results obtained or expected
f) references

Enter the abstract of the paper with a minimum of 3000 and a maximum of 6000 characters with space, including references.


Page setup: A4 paper, with paragraph entry, single line spacing, 6pt after each paragraph, left and top margins of 3.0 cm and right and bottom of 2.0 cm.
Enter the title in Times New Roman, bold, upper and lower case 12 (capital letters only), using a maximum of 200 characters, do not underline, and use italics only in foreign word spelling. On the first page, as the first footnote, the event to which the paper is being submitted should be indicated.
Enter the names of the authors in Times New Roman, in body 12, regular.
Also insert the full name(s) of the institution(s) to which the authors are linked, as a teacher, researcher or student, in Times New Roman, in body 12, regular.

Inserir o título em fonte Times New Roman, em corpo 12, negrito, caixa alta e baixa (só iniciais maiúsculas), usando no máximo 200 caracteres, não usar sublinhado e usar itálico só em grafia de palavras estrangeiras. Na primeira página, como primeira nota de pé de página, deverá ser indicado o evento ao qual o trabalho está sendo submetido.

Inserir os nomes dos autores em fonte Times New Roman, em corpo 12, regular.

Inserir também o(s) nome(s) completo(s) da(s) instituição(ões) a que estão vinculados os autores, como docente, pesquisador ou aluno, em fonte Times New Roman, em corpo 12, regular.

Abstract and keywords: for the final article, the abstract and keywords (containing from 200 to 300 words and from three to five keywords, according to the structure described above) must be written in the four official languages of the event. The Portuguese (RESUMO), English (ABSTRACT), Spanish (RESUMEN), and French (RÉSUMÉ) versions must immediately follow the original language version, following the rules of the original version.

Body of the text: papers may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French. Articles should have a minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 25 pages, with spaces, including references, tables and illustrations. For highlights, use only the italics, excluding underlining and uppercase words (except in non-word acronyms, eg CNPq) and, in the bibliographic references, for the surnames of the authors. Bold can be used exclusively to highlight the subtitles or divisions of the work, always in the same body 12, in upper and lower case. The body of the text must be in Times New Roman, size 12, regular and justified. Quotations of more than three lines should be typed in body 11, with single spacing between lines and separated from the text by a left margin greater than the paragraph; citations of up to three lines should be part of the body of the text and should be marked with quotation marks. Inform the citation, such as: (VIEIRA, 2005, p. 79). Footnotes: Insert text notes (including title and author) in Times New Roman (do not underline and use italics only in foreign word spelling), body 10, with single line spacing and alignment justified. Notes should be placed at the bottom of the page in print mode (should be visible on the page).

Illustrative elements: tables, figures and photos should be inserted in the text, immediately after being cited, with the appropriate explanation at the bottom of each one, numbered sequentially, in Times New Roman, size 10, regular. To ensure the quality of the illustration elements, they should be sent in separate files, saved in .JPG, with a size of 200 dpi. If you have problems submitting, please contact the Organizing Committee at e-mail brandingcongress@gmail.com.

References: insert the bibliographic references in Times New Roman, body 11, with simple line spacing and justified alignment. The references, at the end of the work, must have the complete data and follow the ABNT norms for scientific works. Each reference must occupy a paragraph and be separated from the others by two single spaces.